Eric Coyle - Green Grow the Rashes, O
Green Grow the Rashes, O - Eric Coyle, or O, Green Grow the Rushes (Robert Burns publi domain). Performed at the Water Valley Music Festival.
I've been going around playing Senior's homes for a long time (I call them recycled teenagers that always gets a laugh) and playing at kitchen parties. My Mother's family all come from the Ayrshire coastal town of Stevenston. We spent a lot o' time doon the waatur as we called it, so I've also fallen into the Burns thing and like to give a wee poem or two. Performed at the Water Valley Music Festival.
- Category: Entertainment,Music
- Duration: 02:34 | Date: 12 years ago
- Tags: Eric Coyle, Robert Burns, Green Grow the Rashes, Rushes